The school administrative teams worked diligently to evaluate all options for recovering instructional minutes lost due to the wintery weather. In doing so, they aimed to meet state requirements while striving to preserve holidays on the calendar for both staff and students. Although there was limited flexibility in how to make up for lost time, the campus administration worked collaboratively to identify the best possible solutions for our K-12 community.
Here are the changes to the MS calendar:
School will begin at 7:55 starting on Monday, Feb. 3.
Starting Friday, Feb. 7, Fridays will begin at 7:55 (except 2/21, 4/11, and 4/25; on these days, school will begin at 9:00 for students). Morning care continues as before, beginning at 7:00 each day.
Progress reports will be sent home on Feb. 10.
May 19, 20 and 21 will be full days of school.
Aftercare ends on May 21.