We celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. over several weeks with various classroom activities. Heart and Soul week is this week. Activities expand to recess centers where students can engage in a different challenge each day.
The center activities are as follows.
Belonging Art - students create inspirational art pieces that will be assembled into a large work of art. An indigenous work named "Belonging" that is displayed in the National Museum of Australia is provided for inspiration.
No Place For Hate Banner - students write their names on heart shapes and place them on the banner committing themselves to our school as no place for hate.
Cards of Gratitude - thinking of someone in our school family students are grateful for, they write a note of gratitude for that person.
Inclusive Chalk Art - students use chalk to write on the front yard a phrase or symbol that inspires others. Some that have already been written include; Freedom, You Are Loved, Be Happy, and Be Present!