Happy Mardi Gras from Mr. Sirman's Willow High School arts elective students!
2 days ago, The Willow School
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras
Happening now: We put the FUN in Fun Run!!!
17 days ago, The Willow School
Fun Run
Fun Run
Fun Run
Fun Run
First grade students recently celebrated their 100th day of school!
19 days ago, The Willow School
100 days of school
100 days of school
100 days of school
100 days
100 days of school
The Willow Dads Club (open to dads and all caregivers) is hosting Donuts and Coffee at the Broadside on SUNDAY, Feb. 16 at 10am. Please fill out this brief survey and let us know if you can make it: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScePkDavON9uaRwZINui1Kc-wSJvRVDo_D2fBMucI67NvOH3Q/viewform
19 days ago, The Willow School
donuts with dads
Come out and support the V Boys Soccer team as we take on District rival Ben Franklin in the soccer version of the Nerd Bowl, this time with a semi-final appearance on the line! Kickoff is set for tomorrow, Tuesday, 2/11, at 5:30pm at Brees Family Field! We hope to see you there!
20 days ago, The Willow School
Cam Jordan, a defensive end for the New Orleans Saints, was nominated for the Walter Payton Man of the Year award in 2024. This was the third time he was nominated for the award. The Saints organization invited a small group of Willow Middle School students who were our Prides of the Week, and Willow staff members to participate in a surprise event honoring Cam Jordan. The event was held on Monday, Jan. 27, at the Saints meeting room. In addition, Cam Jordan made a $10,000 donation to our school. We are grateful for his support of our program.
25 days ago, The Willow School
Cam Jordan
Members of Willow High School's chapter of the National Honor Society braved the cold to pick up trash around campus and the Willow neighborhood for Heart & Soul Week.
26 days ago, The Willow School
Honor Society
Thanks to everyone who came out to the Generations Jam to support the Willow Symphonic Band as they prepare to compete at Festival Disney this April! We raised more than $9,000 to help ensure that every student will be able to attend the Disney trip regardless of financial need. Over the winter break, the band also had the opportunity to entertain shoppers at the Riverwalk with a festive performance. 
26 days ago, The Willow School
Generations jam
Even Roary enjoyed the snow!!! #willow_school_nola #snowday2025 #nolaps #nolaED
about 1 month ago, The Willow School
Roary's snow day
After an enthusiastic welcome from motivational music educator Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser, these three Willow singers were off to their first honor choir rehearsal with their LMEA All-State ensembles. Pictured left to right: L. Huilgol ; H. Winkler, and D. Noble
about 1 month ago, The Willow School
Please donate during our HS Blood Drive tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 16.
about 2 months ago, The Willow School
Blood Drive
Join us for the PTSA Coffees at the MS (Wednesday) and LS (Friday). Hope to see you there!
about 2 months ago, The Willow School
Need high school service hours? The Junior League of New Orleans Diaper Bank distributes approximately 50,000 diapers a month, in addition to period supplies and adult incontinence items. Sign up for a community shift here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FACAB22AAFDC52-51207693-diaper#/ Volunteer sessions last 2-3 hours, and involve counting, sorting, and wrapping diaper, period or adult incontinence products.
about 2 months ago, The Willow School
volunteer hours
Head to the Broadside for some great live music tonight and support The Willow School's Symphonic Band! Tickets available here: https://www.simpletix.com/e/cyril-neville-shamarr-allen-erica-falls-ho-tickets-197054
about 2 months ago, The Willow School
This past weekend our Willow Sailing Team competed in the Sugar Bowl Regatta at Southern Yacht Club with 7 other teams from New Orleans and Mississippi. Sailors L. Christopher, M. Gill, E. Parks, O. McGowan, C. Nieuwenhuizen, R. Hutchins, and L. Marino placed 3rd out of 8, over all other New Orleans teams! This was a great way to end the fall season!
3 months ago, The Willow School
Willow middle and high school dancers are performing tonight, Friday(12/6) at 7 pm, and Sunday(12/8) at 2pm, at Willow's own Goldring Center at the lower school. Admission is free but please reserve your seat at the "Buy Tickets" links on our website. Seats are limited.
3 months ago, The Willow School
dance concert
The Willow Boys JV/V Soccer teams take on Brother Martin this evening at Brees Family Field! JV kicks off at 5pm, with Varsity to follow at 7pm. The Varsity is looking to continue their unbeaten streak that dates all the way back to January 2023, so come out and support if you're able!!
3 months ago, The Willow School
Best of luck to our Willow High School swimmers, who leave today to compete in the State Championships in Sulphur!
3 months ago, The Willow School
The Willow High School Orchestra is performing tonight at our Middle School's Marsalis Auditorium at 5:30-6:30pm. Hope you can make it!
4 months ago, The Willow School
The Willow School Block Party is Nov. 14! The deadline to order t-shirts with artwork by Tallulah Michalopoulos is Monday, Nov. 4 at 5 PM. Order shirts here: https://willowschoolptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/2024BlockParty. It takes all of us to throw a party as big as Block Party! We need help setting up, breaking down and working the booths. Sign up for a time slot now at https://tinyurl.com/bdhfrssu. See you at Block Party!
4 months ago, The Willow School
Block Party tshirt