Ochsner sports physicals are available at no charge for Willow athletes in grades 5-12 tomorrow, Saturday, Aug. 19, at 10:30am at Ochsner Elmwood, Building B. No one arriving after 11am will be admitted. Bring this LHSAA form, signed by a parent/guardian. This event is optional but current physicals are required for all Willow athletes.
*Important* The LHSAA revised their physical form in May 2023. Any student-athlete obtaining their physical on or after Aug. 1, 2023, must have their doctor sign this version. If an old version of the physical form was used to verify a physical examination conducted prior to Aug. 1, that form is valid as long as it does not expire during the term of that student athlete's participation in Willow Athletics.
Ochsner Sports Physicals Saturday
August 18, 2023