Lagniappe is The Willow Lower School’s after-school program. It is comprised of a diverse range of hands-on, engaging instructional classes such as ballet, guitar, chess, math games and homework lab. Nearly 70% of Willow School students participate in at least one of these child-centered classes. Lagniappe is staffed by The Willow School faculty and students from Tulane’s work-study program.
This program is unlike traditional after-school programs in that all students have the option to select classes that interest them. Students are able to discover talents, hobbies and interests that may currently be untapped.
The program has full-time after-care, from 3:40 to 6:00 pm. Instructional classes are held (Monday-Thursday) during the first hour, 3:40 to 4:40, followed by free play from 4:40 to 6:00 pm.
Morning Care at the Lower School Campus is from 7:00 to 8:05 am. There are part-time options available. Drop-ins may attend homework lab if the student is not enrolled in the program.
1) If interested, please register here for Before Care and/or Aftercare by Friday, Aug. 9. The User Guide is attached here to assist with registration. The Willow School - Registration and Parent Portal Quick Start Guide.pdf
2) You are not fully registered until you have enrolled your child into a specific program (ie, Full Time Aftercare, Full Time Before Care, etc.)
3) Once your Registration is approved, please login to your account to set up EFT and provide a 4 digit PIN# for Aftercare sign-out. August will be billed upon the start of the school year.